Sep 3Liked by Anna Rollins

Thank you for giving us this behind-the-scenes look!

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Thank you for reading and for your encouragement!

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Thank you for another wonderful behind-the-scenes issue, Anna. I find these so helpful!

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I appreciate this so much, Abby! Thank you. I loved your Brevity piece today.

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Sep 3Liked by Anna Rollins

I so appreciate your transparency, Anna. I am really wanting this academic year to be the one where I figure out what works for me.

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I always feel like when I am saying “yes” to writing, I am saying “no” to something else that’s also important. But I try to shut that noise down, at least for a little bit. Thank you for such a kind comment! I hope this academic year treats you well.

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Anna, thanks as always for sharing your process. I also recently had a pitch for a personal essay accepted with the caveat that I make it a reported piece. I happened to know some experts in my writing circles, but in the future, I'll follow your lead for finding quotes from people I don't know. Also, I do something I call "cocooning," not daily, but when I'm overstimulated. I get in bed and pull the covers over my head for 10 minutes. It's a quick and effective reset. And would make a great essay, right?

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Thank for sharing this beneficial practice of rest, Anna. I like to sit quietly with my eyes closed after my morning shower, before writing. I let my mind rest or pray. But I don’t have a similar midday practice. I’ll try closing my eyes!

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Once again this is so full of good tips and I loved all the behind-the-scenes!! And regarding the piece you wrote, it seems like such a good idea to do this! I was so exhausted the other day after our trip to London. I said, “Gosh, I’m tired but I’m going to push through till bedtime.” And my teen daughter said, “You know, that might seem like a good idea. But sometimes you’re a better person if you just lie down for a few minutes.” 😂 So that, combined with this post, is inspiring me to take my twenty minutes too.

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Thanks so much for sharing your process! And I definitely need to close my eyes more.

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So encouraging and interesting.

Thank you ❤️

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